Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Thanks! Whoever you are.

Thanks, whoever you are, for all the missiles you keep posting as comments lol!  I actually thought I had it all together until you came along and  I realised I need to pay attention to details, instead of rushing over my post. Well, we keep learning everyday and I pray God grace to be teachable never departs from me in Jesus Name (Amen). And God bless you for taking the time out to be here.


  1. Yes Yes! you must and will succeed! If I didnt want u to be better I wld have just read, ignored and probably made jest with freinds but nope! Learn, grow and someday u will attain that level of excellence! Even Lib gets bashed abt nonsensical posts ever so often...the difference is ure a christain so we don't expect to see certain rubbish content here. Any feedback frm readers is good feedback cos u will learn something that will help u improve. You have the platform, what it takes to be great and God's favour. The sky is ur limit so reach for the stars!!

  2. @annonymous 6:16p.m- while you are at it,correcting the blogger;do correct the spelling of friends in your comment.

  3. @annonymous 6:16p.m- while you are at it,correcting the blogger;do correct the spelling of friends in your comment.
