Monday, September 07, 2015

A Suicidal Walk Across the Bridge.

A Suicidal Walk Across the Bridge: I believe we all have our down moments, When we consciously or unconsciously take a suicidal walk across the bridge. What did you do? share your experience and inspire someone as you read the story below.

Lisa had finally had all she could take. "Why is life this unfair?" She silently asked herself. She couldn't even muster a word of prayer anymore. She felt tired within and out because of the mockery she had, had to endure. Her widowed mother did all she could to secure a good future for her only daughter but the tide seems to be too high for them to ride.

This is the second time, she had been sent out of school for a crime she knew nothing about. The first university she was asked to withdraw, when someone threw away an implicating piece of paper that landed on her lap during exam just in time for the lecturer to assume she was trying to hide it. She had cried and explained but no one believed her. And was sent out of the school.

It took a lot of farming to save up money to get back to school because her mother was determined she gets a good education and now, same incident has repeated itself. How the paper got to be on the floor where she was sited without her noticing it baffled her. The panel of judges weren't sympathetic because she had maintained a very good grade which they're now assuming is through malpractice. She's and will be grateful for the high level of intelligence God has given her 'but it won't be of no use anymore,' she thought. Enough of the shame and hard work. There's no way, her mother can suffer more of it.

She stood by the rail of the bridge looking at the turbulent water that's to swallow her if she could but jump. On her way here, it had been a good idea but now, she just realizes she couldn't make her mother go through another grief. God can still turn around her story, even though the whole thing looks hopeless, God is still God (Psalm 46:1). She just need to pray again and again, until He comes through for them. With that thought, she went back home. She went straight for her phone, immediately she got home. There it was " an apologetic message requesting her return back to school and with a job offer for the inconveniences." The real culprit got caught and chose to vindicate her knowing he had nothing more to loose. Suddenly, the tears she had fought hard to hide came pouring down. She would have lost it all if she hadn't picked up courage at the last minute, realizing God is still on the throne (Psalm 37:5; Proverb 30:5).

I believe we all have our down moments too, but always remember He promised to be there with us in times of trouble. We are never alone. Hold that thought as you go about your daily activities. No one and no thing is bigger than God. Cheers!

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