Friday, September 11, 2015

The Fear of an Infectious Disease that can Kill Everyone on Earth.

In Africa today, malaria still kills large numbers of people on daily basis which has lead to massive campagain about the preventive  measure and cure all over the world. And as the years goes by, one wonders if absolute cure can be found for deadly/incurable diseases such as HIV, Cancer etc. There have been many and I believe many more movies on Sci-fiction about creating and finding cure for deadly diseases. Yet, one is yet to be found for these sicknesses in reality.

Hence I found interesting this medical article on Medical daily by Dana Dovey, analysing the possibility of an infectious disease actually killing everyone on earth as depicts in movies.
Because it is very important for human to know where fiction stops and reality emerges. Knowing fully well that most movies have greatly influenced the society the same way, the society has influenced the movies production. Kindly click here to read article.

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