Monday, September 28, 2015

I am Sorry!

My sincere apology for the little or no activities here during weekends. This is as a result of the long shift I run on weekends. And more apologies because it will have to remain so for more days, It just can't be avoided to better keep you informed and inspired, 'adding the taste of life to your existence.'

Thank you so much for the time you spends here. Though, it beats me why the views aren't proportionate to the comments *big smile.* Well, your presence is highly appreciated and valued at all times. May God presence continually abides with you and me in Jesus name! Amen!!
Randomization of thoughts:
Has someone ever admonished you to 'stop chasing the wind?' If they have, then you'll realize that sometimes, we spend too much time chasing the wind; forgetting it can blow in any and every direction. Besides you can only feel its cooling effect but can't get hold of it. That's what will happen when one spends too much time dreaming and forgets to wake up to the reality of living the dream. Waking up to reality is actually the best place to live your dream(s) and there's a huge difference between the two worlds.

Giving up on what is, for what's supposed to be; is you chasing the wind. Funny enough, the wind will blow in your direction without you being in pursue. And because you've been busy chasing, you won't be prepared for the cooling effect.

The fact that cake is sweet, doesn't mean everyone has got to like or eat it. Someone, somewhere won't still be a fan. That's life! There's a check and balance with everything. We are all existing in this life and until the time we face reality, our existence will lack the taste of life.

There will be a time you'll be 'laughed at' because of the challenges you're facing and a time you'll be 'laugh with,' because of your success. But remember 'no laughing at, no laughing with.'

What works for me won't work for another. Everyone has got different destiny to fulfill. Maybe in the same direction but different time of arrival.

Time wait for no one, so, make haste while the sun still shines.

Who and what you are is what gives your life a good taste and no one will feed you with it but you.

You live today because God still is and will always be God.

Basically, whatever you do, find peace or else it isn't worth doing.

Once again, thanks for sticking around. I pray to keep you informed and inspired as we add the taste of life to your existence at my return. And do have in mind ' I Love You' but its nothing compared to how much the Lord Loves you and me. And of course "life is worth living and people worth loving." Cheers!