Thursday, February 08, 2018

When Tomorrow meets you Today...

The future isn’t far away as one might think. A fusion of one second to another is what gives you the future, for that which you’ve experienced makes your ‘past’, and that which you’re experiencing makes your ‘present’ and that which you’re yet to experience is your ‘future’. Do you wonder why yesterday has got ‘day’ attached to it and today has also got ‘day’ attached to it too, but that’s not the case with tomorrow? It is a day that’s yet to come, your future. Hence, if tomorrow meets you today, it means you’re still living in yesterday, your past.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Where is the Place of 'Nature' and 'Nurture' in a Child's Development?

The above question goes to every parent, teacher, mentor and anyone that could influence the growing child; where is the place of nature and nurture in the child's development?