Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Beware! I Had A First Class Experience

On my way from work today, I got stuck in traffic by an army checking point. Beside us were bike riders and a soldier at alert. After some minutes we heard:

Soldier: I dey ride machine go!
We looked at him to be sure if he was addressing us. He repeated,
Soldier: I dey ride machine go!
We all looked round to make sense of what he was saying. I guess the fear of what may happen if misunderstood was more of a concern to us all, though we sort of knew what he meant. Then, he finally said
Soldier: Machine go kuo! I dey ride machine go!!
Then it finally dawned on us that he meant all bike riders should go. LOL! Confusion of first person reference in soldier man language. As much as we have wanted to laugh, we had to hold back. They say the fear of soldier is the beginning of avoidance of man-handling…and you should take that saying seriously too. Cheers!