Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Sugar Rush

Oh yeah! I know its that day of the week, you wish you could put on permanent postponement. But its inevitably here again. And as you would loved the weekend to continue hahaha, you've got to get moving to better the "hustle." Some with excitement, anxiety, and probably indifferent.

As a student, if you don't  flow with the sugar rush of getting early for lectures, you'll definitely miss a substantial part of it. And its the wrong way to begin the week. Especially those,who aren't in their university or studying course of choice.

As a worker with a  job he/she is passionate about will be  excited each time he's  got to work it. Such individuals find it easy to flow with the sugar rush.  But, if otherwise its a problem. Funny enough! There are more of problematic jobs/courses. Man working the available in order to make ends meet. Whichever way as a student or a worker, to deal with Monday Sugar Rush;

- You've got to "lace" up your thoughts in an orderly manner.
- Sort out the clutter (if there are any) by order of importance or relevance. Separate the written and non written assignment. That will help you to know where to focus your energy onm
- Seal your mouth lol! Yeah, the less talk/discussion especially not duty bound or study related, the more work you get done.
- Tackle duties from the very first working day (today) that will help maintain an interest and help you survive the week, even if you've got a problematic job/course of study. Learn to discipline yourself to be the best you can be   and don't forget to;
- Always commit everything to God in prayer.

Alright. On your marks! Get set!! And...let the rush begin!!! Cheers.

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