Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snap Out of It : Poverty Mind Condition

This is what we do in TPJ house every Thursday - examine that which grieves your heart and help you find a reasonable means to snap out of it.
Yes! You got into this year 2015, with renewed hope and excitement to pick up the bits and pieces of your attempt to make something out of life. Especially in the society of today, where jobs have become a gold mine or man know man to find one. Now, two months into the year but it feels like 5 decade of your existence on planet earth because  all hope is gone, alongside your hard saved money. Everything crashed, even before it started just like your previous attempts in the world of "HUSTLE" (permit me to use that word.)

Suddenly you realized you've got to start all over again. But you don't feel like it. You've tried hard or even too hard to avoid poverty or beggarly condition. But your mind and life seems to be headed in that direction. "So why waste more time and energy fighting a lose battle," turned out to be the question you're asking yourself.   Let's get to answer your questions in the typical Nigerian way of "answering questions with questions"
- What is the usefulness of time without acquiring knowledge taught or learned through experiences?
- How rich is your mind? And what's your passion?
- When you fall down in a race, do you need to stay down and be trampled upon or get up and keep running?

You may have your answers but I've got to let you know; the easiest way to learn about how tough life can be, is the time you think you WASTED fighting lost battle. Because this will teach you how to fight and win wars the further you move into the battle field.

Your mind is as rich as the experiences acquired over time. Look deep within and write out what led to your failure and the situation you've found yourself. Be sincere to lay blame on who and what should be blamed. Most times is YOU. You didn't listen to your intuition to discern the appropriate route to take or the people to surround yourself with.

Finally, its not the numbers of time you fail but your ability to get up and keep trying until success becomes your reward is the story people want to read/hear and talk about. In all of this, go after that which you're passionate about and not just for the gain. The joy you derive in your passion may just be all you need to sustain you through trying times. Don't give in to depression or discouragement. Keep trying, for the road to success is numerous and everyone has got their route to find. Don't let yours be left fallow. If you doubt me, ask Linda Ikeji, if or when you cross path with her. Cheers!


  1. This is very nice & the race of life is endless.

  2. Ok, and d race continues.

  3. Sometimes it is like that...thank God for rescueing us frm that world called Poverty.
