Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Dilemma of Being Single at 30 Years and Above (Episode 2)

Let's take the exclamation mark (!) from where we stopped last week. The dreaded age 30 no lady wants to get to still single if they've got anything to do about it. For the men, it’s not the right time to settle down, until it gets above that. But before that happens, there might be feelings that can be traumatic, if not properly handled.

Loneliness - This has got nothing to do with those in serious relationships. But those in on-and-off  back-and-forth relationships. In life, there are moments you just wanna share with that special someone. And if he/she isn't there, loneliness has a way of filling that vacuum.

Hormonal Changes - This is mostly common with ladies. That time of the month when the entire body system under goes changes and you need someone to hold or wrap you up in his arms. Unfortunately, no one is there; hehe. Dear sister, don't be alone at such times. Visit family members or friends. Just occupy your time.

Fear - Yeah! Fear that if they weren't able to find someone or be found by someone when they were young, there's no likelihood of that happening now that they're getting old. Of course, it’s all sentiment. Young or old, you are you. Qualities never grow old.

Let's take it from here next week. Cheers!


  1. Nice! thats the singles world.

  2. True talk my dear

  3. True talk my dear

  4. They think so much about the number(30yrs).....That's one reason some girls rush into marriage,at the end they tend to tolerate the marriage instead of Enjoying marriage......Music Healz..
