Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christian Woman to be Executed for Drinking Water from a Muslim Well in Pakistan.

A Christian woman, Asayiya Noreen "Asia" Bibi was jailed for five five years for drinking water from a Muslim well and is presently awaiting execution in Pakistan.

Christian Post Detailed it thus: Because she got a drink of water from a "Muslim well," Asayiya Noreen "Asia" Bibi has been jailed for five years and is awaiting her execution in Pakistan.

The 50-year-old Christian mother of three was picking phalsa berries under the blistering sun when her thirst compelled her to find water at a nearby well. A bitter Muslim neighbor charged that she "contaminated" the entire "Muslim well" of water by dipping her cup in for refreshment.

After her "infraction" in 2009, Bibi determined to defend her faith, something her Christian parents argued against because religious minorities do not fare well in Pakistan, which is 97 percent Muslim.

When Bibi was confronted at the well by other women challenging her faith, she said: "I’m not going to convert. I believe in my religion and in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for the sins of mankind." she recounted in her memoir about the incident, Blasphemy, which was dictated to her husband and then carried out of Pakistan by a French journalist.

"What did your Prophet Mohammed ever do to save mankind? And why should it be me that converts instead of you?" she asked.

Asia Bibi bookThese words riled the other women at the well, who spat on her and beat her and stole her phalsa berries. They hurled venomous charges: "You’re just a filthy Christian! You’ve contaminated our water and now you dare speak for the Prophet! Stupid b____, your Jesus didn’t even have a proper father — he was a bastard, don’t you know that?"

Their confrontation offers a striking contrast to Jesus offering Living Water to the woman at the well.

Five days later, Bibi was picking in another field near her village in Central Pakistan when a mob approached shouting "Death! Death to the Christian!" She was later arrested and sentenced to prison.

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