Monday, August 10, 2015

The Distance Between the Beginning and the End.

    Adaeze rolled to the end of her bed, picked up the phone and hit the snooze button on the alarm. She stared angrily at the ceiling, with much hatred for her low paying job. And above all she hated her boss; the thin man with the geeky glasses who always has something mean to say about everybody. She would never forget the day, he looked at a colleague of hers in a meeting with over 50 employees in attendance and said to her "the problem with you is that you have a low I.Q."
    This wasn't the life she dreamt of having, she thought of her friends, course mates in the various stages of school who are having good jobs and living the kind of life she wants for herself. The persistent ring of the alarm brought her back to reality "Life isn't being good" she muttered as she walked to the bathroom to have her bath to start another day's work.

      Can you relate to this story? if you can, it probably means we have been at that point of life when things doesn't make sense anymore. You take a look at yourself and wonder "how come I'm still here?" The childhood dreams you had now seems like a mirage. Something that can't never be achieved.
      Here are some guidelines to help you while you transit from where you are now to where you should be. Preferable where God wants you to be.
1) Stop taking it personal: Yes! You read the right thing.There's need for you to realize all great endings started small, that's the way it has been and will always be. Take a look at Abraham Lincoln, Richard Branson, Tyler Perry, John D. Rockkafella, all started small. And even onopinkjournal has got its small beginning but going through the process of climbing, no matter what is thrown at it. So, don't take it personal.
2) Make sure you have a clear view: Don't let your present situation cloud your vision. Keep your eyes on the prize. Be smart enough to shield yourself from negativity around you. The only thing that cancels out negativity is a positive attitude towards life. Yes!Of course the climb isn't an enjoyable one especially with all the stumps on the way. But the view from the mountain top is always beautiful. So, keep the view in mind as you continue with the climb.
3) Break a leg: Give all you've got. Truth be told; dreams are expensive, it would take your money, time and even loose some friends on the way, especially if they aren't helping the ministry in moving forward (a smile of encouragement). But you must keep on working, its just like breathing, till you exhale, you can't inhale. And the best of all, the good thing about been down is that you have no where to go but up. 

Happy new week, sorry it's coming late. And another apology on my not having a firm grip on the news aspect yet, Still finding my way around it. Thanks for being here and always remember "life is worth living and people worth loving." Cheers!


  1. I was carried away at a start- thought its a thought it was a story about a frustrated someone.

    Thanks for the encouragement. GOD BLESS YOU

  2. This is really motivating. thanks to the writer he/she has renewed my hopes for a better tomorrow and a happy ending in life...write on writer and God bless
