Saturday, August 08, 2015

Ladies: Any which way, let the Man Wear the Trouser.

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A dear friend of mine once had an issue between raising her children and her work. After much suggestions, I told her the only thing I've come to understand with being a woman. Our primary assignment on earth is to build the home (be a submissive wife and the best mother on earth). If a woman fails in building her home, nothing she'll achieve will be of value. And after she was able to recognize the primary and secondary responsibilities and treated them on such prioritized list, she's able to balance a successful career, her wifely and motherly duties. Although, I'm not trying to compare the woman to that of a dotting hunting dog.
I just want us to remember if we've forgotten what our primary assignment(s) is/are. Today; our society is crawling with criminals causing increase in crime because some women are busy dragging who to wear the trouser in the home, instead of building. Oh! you may curse me for this but won't change what civilization has turned some women into. The desire to be on top(even in the bed-room) and the decisive notion of  'what a man can do, a woman can better' has eaten too deep into the society.

Oh! I so love the days of the bible, especially 1Samuel 1:4-5; Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her,.... It is the duty of the man to do the giving/provide for his family. Again when God created the earth, He gave Adam the sole duty of catering for all created being and the woman, an help-meet. When God needed to bless someone, He called Abraham and made him the father of all nation and said; And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed (Genesis12:31). Noteworthy: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So many men today, are using the excuse of unemployment, bad government to sit at home and lazy around why the women take over their role of being the bread winner.

Of course, in the name of not being idle or full-time house-wives, you have women struggling for position even with their husbands if they happen to work in the same company. How hard can you try to not let it get into your head that 'being boss in the office won't transfer to the home front?' After, a hard day job, what time will be left to fully cater for the family needs (checking your child school work and keeping your husband warm). Hmm! A bit too tired some or most times for them? And the duty falls back on other people. Afterall, you can afford to pay for their services. What about that motherly bond, that ease a child needs to say 'I can tell my mummy everything, she's always there to listen' or do you yawn/fight to stay awake in the middle of a conversation with your child. In as much as women desire not to be idle, let's not forget our family should always come first, not a successful career as bank director, minister, doctor, lawyer. You can be all of that but know how to draw the limits and prioritize.

Gentlemen: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest (Ecclesiates 9:10). Be the head of your home. We all know how hard the days are but be willy to do that which your hand can find and not to despise the days of little beginnings.
Ladies: Even if you earn more than your husband presently, infact you're the one catering for the needs of your home, that doesn't change the fact that; he is the head of the home. While you keep encouraging and praying for God's increase, do not forget your wifely and motherly duties. In all of it, they should come first. Oh! in obedience, there will be no job lose but increase of the Lord's blessings. So, have no Fear. God is right beside you as you obey and carry out His given assignment. Cheers!  

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