Monday, August 17, 2015

A Walk into the Unknown.

'There's no need trying, he isn't qualified' Roy said to himself. They needed papers for the interview and he has just the basic ones. He looked up to the sky and down on the soil in search for a way, that he believed isn't there. How many times has he been told, talent isn't enough, you need paper qualification - degree, certificate to boost the image and he just kept waiting for tomorrow which may never come.

He made to walk away from the premises, looking at all the well dressed ladies and gentlemen, he felt gawky. But he just couldn't do it. He knows he has all they need but papers. What then? If not to have faith. Atleast he could try and see what comes out of it. How will he know if he would have being hired without trying. Walking away means living without knowing and staying means possible humiliation. He looked up to the sky, this time to rope himself with hope God is looking down on him, sighed deeply and pushed the door open to join the others.

I know quite a number of persons maybe going through such a struggle or something similar to that and just like Roy, you'll never know the outcome if you don't try. Afterall, you're already standing there, so, finished what you've started/see it to the end. Of course! Talent isn't enough but GOD is more than enough. And I pray along with you, that for your sake He will;
- Break protocols
- Turn humiliation to jubilation
- Turn mistakes to miracles
- Turn the unqualified to qualified and above all make His favour to show forth on your behalf.
Don't give up until you've gotten to the top.

I hope soon I won't have to apologise as I'm still working hard to get a fixable time for our daily news update with work mounting up each day. You know, I've got to keep the stomach full or else you'd be reading Arabic when next you come here lol! Have a fruit bearing day & week, remember others in your prayers and don't forget "life is worth living and people worth loving." Cheers!

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