Friday, March 06, 2015 - Questionable Questions Ladies Ask.

Yeah it's! All through the month of February, we had a good time writing about questionable questions gentlemen ask on first dates. This month, my beam is focusing on the ladies. So let's take a dive and see what we can find. And for every wrong question, I will suggest the right question.

1) What kind of lady do you like? I'm going to take a wild guess that the gentleman knows what he's looking for before asking you out. So, if he tells you the attributes he wants in a lady and you happen not to fit in, what will you do? Live another person's life or act a role?

The question you should ask is - what is it you like about me/what attracted you to me?

2) What's your monthly package? Please, just ask him how much he's paid monthly. And just wondering; what are you digging for? Gold?. He will suspect you Lol! With this kind of question. Need not I tell you, his legs will touch his backside as he takes to his heels. Unless, he's looking for a play thing.

The question you should is; what do you do for a living? That should be your concern on a first date, not how much he earns.

3) Are we seeing again? Come on girl! How desperate can you sound? If he wants to see you again, he'll make his interest known. Even if he has created an impression with you, you don't have to come on so easy.

In this regard, you don't need to ask any question. Just let him know you had a good time. That will encourage him especially, if he's fidgeting about asking for another time together.
For more questionable questions, be back here next week. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. You just hit it wher it hurts broked guys don't get loved this days,the ladies call it securing our future
