Monday, March 02, 2015

Blend Through The Bend

Every road ever constructed has got bends. That doesn't mean vehicles need  to stop and be pushed at every bend, although speed reduction is necessary in order not to slip of the road. After every bend, the road straightens out again and the journey continues until destination is reached.

So is Life's Journey. It has its bends (rough moments) but, you can blend through those moments. The worst a bent moment can do is to obstruct your view of what lies at the other side. That's where you take a leap of FAITH in your God. Because He sees well ahead of every bend.  You may fear about taking that bold step (starting a new business, applying for a dream job, going to an higher institution, taking that professional exam, starting a new relationship after a terrible one ) but you don't know if you'll be thrown over the edge into the deep blue sea with no life jacket. And you don't  know either if you'll excel so well, that the beautiful sky can only be your starting point. Its one of these that can happen. You either fear the former or you have faith in the latter. And until you move, your time is being wasted.

Interestingly, every road driver isn't scared of driving through a bend because they know the constructors didn't  stop construction there, rather the roads get more straightened as they come out of a bend and continue to their destination. So, is our lives constructed by Our God - the Creator of all. You must know too, drivers don't park their cars at a bend, to walk to view what lies ahead because they already know. So, no need to waste precious time. Its a new week, the second day of a new month, you should know that you can't keep looking through the bend. Your life has got to blend through because you know the only thing holding you back is FEAR. And the only thing that you need to take you there is FAITH (2 Corinthian 5:7). So get back into the car (apply for the job, take the exam, start the business, give that relationship a chance etc) and drive through the bend. Because fear only holds back the beauty that lies ahead. And our God (Who has straightened out every bend ) needs you to go through. So, Blend through that Bend, replace your fear with faith. Cheers!!!


  1. Nice words. These words can give a push to some one's life

  2. This is wow!!!

  3. Really inspirational!!!
