Thursday, March 05, 2015

Snap Out of It - What if You've had Sex with More Men/Ladies Than You Hate to Admit?

It's Thursday again in TPJ's House. So, what have we got to snap out of?

There's one thing in life that can easily eat a man up, even though they say, its no big deal. And that's GUILT. Yeah! You wish you could turn back the hands of time. Then, you'd have kept those legs closed (Female folks) no matter how tinglish it felt. Or you would have parked "those" hmmm! (Please male folks pardon my modesty) tightly, no matter how hard it felt before the "I do ceremony". But hey! You can not. Especially in this present generation where the fastest runner in the race of use or get used is accused of not being fast enough. The outstanding is astounded by what the next neighbour is capable of. You simply beat or get beaten.

Unfortunately, the game has gotten too advanced for you and there's an urgent need to get out. Dear lady; there's the realization that he doesn't have to love you because you got cookies (sex) to offer. And dear gentleman; she doesn't have to love you because you've got some chips (money) to throw around. So true, because of what you were offering, the bedding process was easy and so the numbers increased. Yet! The hollow in your life grew deeper and wider and your conscience about modesty died. Today; Your beauty or money is thinned out. The question you're asking now is "what happens when its all finally gone?" Of course you don't have the answer. Hence, the sorrow and guilt state you're fighting so hard to hide.

Inspite of the various style shared in bed and the money lavished he/she didn't see you fit enough for marriage. Not 1,2,3..... But many. I hate to break it to you; that the guilt will grow and no one can take it out but YOU. Find a way to make peace with your inner self. And throw the excess baggage away. Ladies if you've been living on men, its time to live on yourself. Whatever your hands find to do, do it diligently (Ecclesiates 9:10), so long you find peace and happiness. Hmmm! Gentlemen, why keep buying sex with all that money, when you can use it to begin the journey (marriage) of raising an enviable family? To crown it all up, you know you do need GOD (Isaiah 26:3)*winks* He understands you more than you do understand yourself. So, take sometime to talk to Him. Until next week Snap Out of it Cheers!!!


  1. In other words you are saying girls should close their legs and boys should keep their money that fair enough.
