Monday, October 12, 2015

Five Things you Must not do on Mondays!

Its Monday morning and the beginning of a new working/schooling day. For you to have the best of the week, you must learn not to do this five things on Mondays.

Quotes: Don't equate your vision with that of everybody else's. They are trying to buy a pair of sunglasses but you should be trying to buy the mall. Imoh Umoren.

1) Do not wake up Late/go late to work:
Most times, the beginning of a thing tends to influence the end/outcome of it. And Monday is usually the day what have to be done through the week is set in motion and sometimes followed with series of meeting. Hence, the need to be composed which will be a difficult task when you wake up late. You'll probably rush over everything and when you finally get to the office, you're discomfited. That won't work well for the day and maybe week.

2) Do not leave jobs unfinished:
Its easy to say 'I will finish it tomorrow,' as an excuse to leave work undone. If its a job that doesn't need to be transferred to the next day, get it done. Because tomorrow will move to the next and you'll probably have a clutter of unfinished jobs on your table.

3) Do not abscond from duty post:
Many people, especially in the government para-sector are fond of leaving the office before closing hours. Even if the job for the day isn't finished.

4) Do not pick offenses:
Monday mornings tension can't be handled by everyone, everyone is in haste to get to their destination, hence the need to be more tolerant. Absconding is the easiest way to pile up work load.

5) Avoid being absent from Work: Yes! if it can avoided, don't miss work on Mondays. Because Mondays should be a day to get started on what needs to be achieved for the week. Set the wheel in motion and let it gradually move until it gets to its destination.

Do have a fruit bearing week and don't forget "life is worth living and people worth loving." Cheers!

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