Thursday, October 22, 2015

Snap Out of it: Life isn't about Cleaning up Mess.

Well, I shouldn't be blogging but I just couldn't keep my thoughts to myself. So, I may not be fully into it for now but I'd do my best to keep up with relevant information until my yesterday doesn't come late again *big smiles.* Before the news update I've got some random thoughts to share on our weekly snap out of it on Thursday.

Life is not about cleaning up messes but about maintaining the 'clean up' because you'd find yourself back on the floor with your mess each time you don't maintain the 'clean up.' Have you ever wondered why some drivers take their cars for regular check ups even when there's absolutely nothing wrong with it? If you have, then, I hope you realise it's to keep it in good shape hence it'll leave them stranded in bad places someday or when it does break down it will cost lots of money to get it fixed. So, why wait for the inconveninces of cleaning up your messes instead maintaining a life without messes.

It is true the bible did say "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me. Micah 7:8." How many times will you want to fall before you get yourself up and firm on your life course? You should know as you're busy falling, others are busy maintaining a steady walk. Its time you challenged yourself, no matter how difficult things might be and maintain a steady course.
* You've made bad decisions in the past; keep reminding yourself what you went through when you did, it'll keep you on track.
* You smoke and did stop; then keep away from friends that smoke, anything that can bring forth the urge. I do not understand what it took you to stop and difficult it is, I won't argue that but you sure can get past it if you avoid anything that can bring forth the spark again.
* You keep getting into wrong relationships even when you've prayed and had the conviction in your heart, well, when next you finished praying think about the reason you getting into the relationship. Because we tend to see the answer to our prayers base on our physical desires and not base on spiritual guidelines sometimes.

Another random thinking:

A man's confident in God determines the incidents that will occur in his/her life. So take courage and trust God for the impossible. He is able and more than able. Cheers!

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