Monday, August 31, 2015

The Love Cramped Writer.

Hello its Monday, a day to get inspiration but actually I have got writer's cramp or probably because I thinking I am falling in love and all I can think of is love. It was raining all through today and I swear the raindrop appears heart shaped. The delectable, ever serious, big 'sisterish'Ono gave me a serious work to do, so she could go study and instead of me to do inspiration as I was told I ended up doing a write up on love and called it inspirational *closes eyes*. And trust her; no love stuffs on pink journal on Mondays. Here we are; stuck in the middle of no where, actually with no post to write because love won't let go.

That's how life gets to be sometimes. We get so occupied with our thoughts and forget about our works. Its usually not so easy to set the mind straight or tell it what to think but we can learn to be 'focus' Let your eyes look directly ahead And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Proverb 4:25 on what we do with our thoughts. Thoughts develop from the desires of the heart, its spoken into existence with our mouth and get refined with our hands, A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh; Luke 6:45." (I told you; Sist Ono will turn the table around to inspiration *winks* oya! let's go there). We make several mistakes in life when our thoughts do not correspond with what the heart feels which is to be spoken and mounded. Haven't you experienced being in place but far away from that place. Of course! you must have at one point in time. It is what is called ABSENTMINDEDNESS or DAYDREAMING. If not well handled, can lead to disaster(s). If you think not: ask an accountant/cashier.

In which case, our thoughts have to be subject to our works to yield one's creative ability. Imagine a pottery, sculptor, painter etc they all create what their mind can see. And the end product is what will either be hung in a museum for everyone's admiration or be thrown in the thrash. What are your thoughts? And what will they reflect, if men do catch a glimpse of it? The answer  will either produce 'beauty/life' or a 'beast/death.' because in your thoughts lies who you are. Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life Proverb 4:23

Okay I got the reel again, lol! And I'm not letting go the fact I've got love on my mind and you can't blame me because love is what inspires me these days. Okay now let me stop before I get beaten. Its your turn to tell us what inspires you. Talk to us and lets know what inspires you.


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