Wednesday, September 02, 2015

What can be the Tiny Ray of Light that can Brighten a Dark World?.

When we take a look at water, what does it reflect? nothing but your own image because it is as it has been defined as a transparent, colourless and odourless liquid. Which also reflects light. And try hide something inside a bowl of water, of course it can't stay hidden because of the transparency of water. How will the world be if a man's heart possesses the same quality? There will be less evil for we know as long we've got the devil ruling the world, evil won't be out of it. But then, man's availability to be part of his devilish scheme will be minimal. So is the thought I keeping thinking this day.

A world where the heart of man will be transparent, reflective of his fellow man needs, lacks and wants and promotely  come to the rescue; a world of great leaders who think of the masses welfare; a world where there will be no cheating because we consider each other feelings; a world where nothing is hidden from no one. Even in the dark, there will a tiny reflection of light because everyone's heart is reflective of everyone's lives. What a thought you might say, especially in a world where man can only think of possessing and possessing everything he can lay hands on without a thought of the aftermath. Unfortunately, when he dies, all the treasures stay back on earth to be an inheritance to his children/family, who may not know what he had to go through to acquire all that wealth.

Like vultures, they argue over what should be given to this or that person. Even when there's a will, fighting sometimes is still inevitable. Then, they die and new set of vultures continue the fight for possession. And wealth who knows not how it was gotten will only be miss-used. There are streets you pass and you see houses where 'this house is not for sale' is clearly written on them, all because of fight over inheritance that they may be allowed to be wasted after some years. That's the world we live in. Reflecting what people think in their hearts Proverb 27:19 which we all know its nothing but meaningless struggle after death. Did I mention the killings of a fellow man inorder to acquire possessions because some men hearts have become like water filled with so much mud, that they give no care to the pains other goes through because of their dirty deeds. Hence let your life be transparent and reflective of light, that wherever you go, people will be glad to have you around. Be the tiny ray of light that can brighten the dark world of someone or the world today.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget "life is worth living and people worth loving." Cheers!

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