Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ways to Know if We've Got Thrash in Our Relationships.

Les Parrot in his book " High Maintenance relationship" offers us ways to know whether someone is a plus or minus in our lives:

1) Do you feel anxious when a particular person has called and left  a message for you to return?

2) Do you always call or send messages without getting a reply for days?

3) Do you dread having to see or talk to a particular person at work or in a social gathering

4) Do you always seek to give, but get nothing in return?

5) Do you keep second-guessing your own performance as a result of interacting with this person?

6) Do you become more self-critical in their presence?

7) Is your creativity blocked or is your clarity of mind hampered by the lingering discomfort of having to deal with them?

8) Do you try to calm yourself after being with this person by eating more, biting your nails or engaging in some unhealthy habits?

9) Do you have an imaginary conversation or mental argument in which you defend yourself to try to explain your side of the conflict?

10) Do you feel resentful that this person seems to treat other people better than they treat you?

11) Do you wonder why this person singles you out for criticism but rarely acknowledge what you do well?

12) Are you dealing with a relationship that drains you  of energy and enthusiasms?

       If you answer yes, you're in a high-maintenance relationship and you've got three options:
1) Continue to suffer
2) Continue to complain
3) Do something about it.
Start by heeding the scripture: "Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise; but the companion of fool suffers harm."

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