Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wallow in Pain or Trust God in the Dark - Bob Gass

 In life; anybody can be faithful in good times, but standing 'by night in the house of the Lord' takes real commitment. 

A hundred years ago Germany's exclusive textile mills had special rooms dedicated to spinning the world's finest lace. Each room was dark, except for the light falling from a small window onto the weaver's work. That's because lace is more beautiful when the weaver is in darkness and his work is in the light. Usually God's purposes are revealed and His power displayed, in our darkest experiences when like Gideon you ask; 'if the Lord is with me, why has this.... happened?' When there seems to be no rhyme or reason, God's promises is " I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord... who calls you by name (Isaiah 45:3).

Hymn writer George Matheson  wrote: "Will I remain in God's house at Him for who He is....know I desire not the gift but the giver? When I can remain....during the darkness of night and worship....I've accepted Him for Himself alone."  In life; anybody can be faithful in good times, but standing 'by night in the house of the Lord' takes real commitment. When the children of Israel faced their greatest challenge, the red sea, The Bible says "All the night, the Lord drove the sea back (Exodus 14:12). Even though you can't see it, be encouraged, God is working. It's in life's dark places that God shares things which strengthen us and encourage those around us.

When God asked  Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac he didn't understand until he witness God's faithfulness, when Isaac was restored back to him. Moses didn't understand why he had to spend 40years in the wilderness, but later when God called him to lead Israel to freedom, he got it. Joseph didn't know why his brothers mistreated him or why he was imprisoned unfairly until he later saw God's hand in everything. His father questioned why Joseph had been taken away from him but later, looking at the face of the man who had been made governor and who'd saved the lives of the nation, God's purposes became clear. God doesn't expect you to understand His ways but he does expect you to trust Him. Afterall, how can God give us song in the night when the sun always shines? Inspite of his bankruptcy and bereavement Job said "When he has tested me, I will come forth (Job 23:10). Is God testing you in this/that situation you're going through? If He is, what are you learning? is the experience making you bitter or better by causing you to draw close to Him?

PS: Dr Chris Kwakpovwe, a man whom God gave the monthly devotional vision "Our Daily Manner" the day he wanted to commit suicide. Your darkest moment is just a passage to the brightest scene of your life. be encouraged and trust God.
Photo Source: Google.

1 comment:

  1. great post... reminds me of another scripture in the bible i cant even remember now

