Sunday, July 26, 2015

Knowing When Suicide Becomes a Choice.

      I have read and listened to news about suicide cases, and I can't help but hurt over each story. People, one expects to have reasons to live, to add or already adding meaning to others lives end up as suicide victims and one can't help but ask; How could they be so selfish? didn't they think of the grief/guilt that their loved ones will have to deal with? the unending/unanswered questions they'll ask and be asked by others? the shame, remorse of not being there and the why? why? why?......
      But the real questions that one should wonder over is by asking their loved ones/friends; Didn't you noticed the struggle they were having? Oh! they even shared their pain with you once or twice......?; The demons they were fighting? Of course! You were aware of what was wrong and you might have tried to help but he/she won't let you and you finally gave up. Probably thinking it won't to get to being suicidal? or you've got your own demons to fight too? What about the lack of interest in things going on around them? those lost/wishful look, that's immediately hidden, once you showed interest? the need to spend more  time alone? Basically; the change in/of attitude? Yeah something wasn't fitting but you're too busy with your own life to have to start fighting another persons battle, even if that person is a dear one. Please forgive me if my assumptions are wrong. But couldn't there have been another option if only someone did try to;
- show more concern
- share more words of encouragement
- push hard enough for the victim to get help
- show unconditional/tirelessly love and give a shoulder to be leaned upon, no matter how weighty
- pray for or with him/her. Something; anything to be a source of grip/reason to hang on to life?
       No one wants to die, I believe. But living I've come to realise is tough. Fighting external battles (life issues- finance, marital/relationships, day to day life etc.....), is no way compared to the internal demons (mental issues of our ability to deal with life challenges, spiritual etc....) we deal with. Because if a man can conquer the inner demons of devilish deceit and weakness, there's no external challenge one can tackle. That's where we need each other. So, how do you know when suicide has become a loved one choice, even if the act hasn't being carried out? Signs to watch out. Well, this may not necessarily mean the person will go through with the thought that's going on in their minds. But a little bit of extra attention just maybe needful.

-Resilience; the need to be quiet especially if  such a person happens to be a good talker before and suddenly seek quietness even in the midst of people, is something to give a thought. Because all that he/she should be saying is being twisted in a million folds in the mind.
- Inactivity; resilience is what breeds lack of interest in what is going on around him/her. When even pressurized to, there may be a forced smile of apology and to stay out of whatever activity is going.
-Indoor; the need to stay behind closed door, more often than before.
- Weight reduction; now you know, the person isn't sick or having illness of any kind, yet, he/she keeps reducing day by day. That's to tell you the war going on inside them needs to be conquered.
- Difficulty in smiling over jokes; Initially, he/she might have being the one to laugh the loudest but suddenly its only the lips that moved with no sound coming out of the mouth.
-Starting a sentence and not finishing it; if that happens more than twice, he/she is probably struggling to ask for help. So, even when they smile and say nothing, please push hard until you get a complete sentence.
- Insisting they have the situation under control; this is mostly common when someone is dealing with relationship crisis. Until they become their old self again, you may need to be their guardian angel and intercessor.
- Mood swing; one moment of happiness, another of wishful look, another of regret, another of pain/sadness... The looks just keep changing and when you ask, they smile and say 'I'm fine.'
- Lost of appetite; Its only the person who desires to grow in strength and stay healthy, that sees the need to eat. The appetite disappears as a result of the tumor going on in his/her head.
- Mental instability;  reacting irrationally over issues. Angry when should be happy and happy when should be angry. Easily irritated, flares up over every issue and this can lead to depression.
- Attitudinal change; when a love one isn't acting the way you've always known her/him to be, pay more attention, be persistent with love and prayer, until the best is gotten out of whatever it is that's a bother. Basically be helpful.
      And as fellow living being, that hush you have about an individual should be given a proper thought. Yes be your brothers' keeper.

Photo Source: Unknown.

1 comment:

  1. The thing is every human is battling his own demon within. But there are time we need to get out of our fight and lend a helping hand to someone out there who's desperately in search for help. The people around you should feel your warmth presence, that could go a long way to soften their hearts from suicidal attempts.
    People get angry with people that knew that they were hurting and did nothing than any other person.
    Lend a hand!
    Lend a voice!

    This was a nice read as usual.
