Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Posits with Gabriel Akinyomi.

Ok my big sister put me up to this. With so much happening in the lives of many all over the world, Light (no matter how little) makes a tremendous difference, especially in the thick of darkness. So hey, I don't know if we've met before (Hi! I'm Gabriel Akinyomi, honoured to meet you :), but I'm SURE you've got Light - and don't fuzz; you'll find out how I'm so sure about that before our time together is done.

So here's the deal, friend: We meet here [whenever Big Sister lets me in, and I will be more-than-grateful if you'd give 1, 3, or 5 minutes of your precious time to read, comment on, and share our discussions on salient life matters.
Together, while we keep praying for President Buhari let's bring in some change - #realCHANGE; and while Ikeja Electric or BEDC are doing their best to distribute power, let's turn on Light - #realLIGHT I thank you very much already!
Now to the day's matter: "How REAL is 'Reality'? How TRUE is 'the Truth'?" In plainer words, what IN YOUR OPINION should be proof that something is real? What should be the proof that something is true? Please post your answers as comments below. Many Blessings!  
PS: Actually I'd say whenever he agrees to grace us with his presence. I tell you he can be very illusive but I worry not because God got to hold here when needed.


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