Wednesday, October 05, 2016

The Determinate that is Predominate in Life.

Hello dear Christians: I understand the need to bind and even rebind the devil in fire, fire prayers thinking he’s the factor or part of the determinate to what happens in ones life. I am glad to inform you, you are the determinate and greatest factor to what happens in your life Job 19:2.

So, when next you think to destroy who and what has already been destroyed, just change your style and spend that time, energy and words on raining or speaking forth God’s blessings upon your life. And when you’re exhausted, seek for more. There are lots of promises and blessings in your bible, try check them out.
Daniel didn’t have to stop praying when the answer to his request was delayed. He didn’t have to ask why he hasn’t received the answer neither did he ever doubt the manifestation of his expectation Daniel 10. He didn’t have to ask before the Lord sent another angel to find out about the delivery of Daniel’s answer. The Lord just made sure he received the answer.
Of course, you’ve been taught about the wits of the devil and how much havoc he’s creating in the world today. However, it is not about what you’ve been taught all your life but what you discover and speak forth in prayer into your life.
Read the words of renowned gospel minister, Sinach: “From stories that I have heard from uncles and aunties from Africa since I was born, I had always believed that the tortoise was the slowest animal in the world (Photo of her and the tortoise above). Imagine my surprise when this guy made me run around!!! I wonder how many of us believe things because we were told and never personally checked it out ... Never be limited by someone's opinion about you or stories of how it will not work! Check it out yourself! Grace has increased! You Are the Best My Friend!”

Understand, you're the predominate determinate to what happens in your life. Cheers!


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