Saturday, October 15, 2016

Time for a Rare Dare.

Dare to be you always. It doesn’t matter, if no or everyone appreciates you. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen if you are you? Have people look down on you? Great! That will make them take their eyes off the great height you’re climbing to and make them too distracted to follow. Or have them look up to you? Awesome, that you’re a source of inspiration to others.

Dare to air/voice your thoughts. It doesn’t matter if no or everyone agrees with you. Besides what’s the worst that could happen if you do? Have people laugh at you? Great, you’d give someone a reason to be happy. Or have them applaud you? Awesome! Again, you’d inspire someone. I believe that will make you happy.

Dare to let your thoughts define who you are and who you are, a reflection of your thoughts. Your ability to express what you think to define you will make some people to hate or love you. It is however interesting that in the world today both set of humans are believed to be a source of uplifting. One to make you stronger and the other to be a source of encouragement. The outcome is still completely dependent on you. Hence, do not try to become someone else, that will only thwart your growth.

Don’t forget those that get to mock you today will get to rock with you tomorrow, if only you stay ‘you’ and climb higher. Cheers!

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