Friday, February 20, 2015

Snap Out Of It 2

You can find Snap Out of It 1 here; but today, we're snapping out of
something else:

"How could I?" Friend, if you're in a tight corner you put yourself
in, like an unholy affair that's tearing your family apart; insulting
and pouring water on her, only to discover she's the cute kid sister
he told you about (yikes!); or messing up a potentially awesome
business relationship by putting money first, well let me be the
second person to tell you (if you've been sincere enough to tell
yourself) that you messed up BIGTIME! Yes I said it.

Having gotten that off my chest, let's question your questions:
How did it happen? Oh please! You didn't see the way you went
senseless when she walked past you thrice? Or your growing insecurity
or over-ambition?
How could I? Well, how couldn't you? What did you think yourself to
be? A programmed robot or His Holiness, Saint "Unshakable"?

Okay let's now attempt to answer your questions:
How did happen? First, you were there, so you knew exactly bow it
happened (hehe). But we both know it didn't just happen when it did;
it built up from little steps that could have been checked.
How could I? That's the thought that got you into this in the first
place. Studies have proven that most people who got into messes were
those who thought they could not. Now I'm not saying we're to take
human imperfection as an excuse, but that we should prayerfully
examine ourselves consistently, to see what God is working in/through
us and to put a check on the terrible things our nasty selves may
desire to do.

Please take our advice with you:
  • Ignore them talkers; their job is to be on your matter, in good and in bad. I still don't know who pays them for the jobs-well-done though.
  • You've cried, regretted, bit your finger, slapped yourself (or maybe you haven't); very good! Next step is to get your head up, pull your feet together, knuckle up, and get back in the ring; fight, not just for what you've lost, but for what you desire.
  • And as you get back up - and stay up - always remember, and be quick to tell others this: "Let him that thinkers he stands, let him take heed lest he falls."

PS: Have you read The Conversation: Piano VS Bass? Great piece by my
brother Gabriel Akinyomi; but as to how & why it was posted in my
name, he still hasn't told me.
Hope your Thursday turned out good. Cheers.