Sunday, February 22, 2015

War Crazy Strategy

In every phase of life, there are battles/challenges we face. The world believe you win some and lose some. But hey! God says we can win all. If you doubt try asking our fathers; king Jehoshaphat or David. You don't need an army/man to defeat your giants(challenges) just a well-aimed scripture backed up with a shout of praise. And It is not something you engage in when you feel like. The bible says we're to offer sacrifices of praise to God'(Hebrew 13:15; Psalm 22:3)). The more it costs, the more it pays off!

So get up, lace up your shoes by preparing your heart to praise God. Play an instrument, if you know how. Of course you do! There's always something to play; the clapping of your hands, the tapping of your feet and the lifting up of your voice in songs,moving your body as you dance unto God and He will defeat whatever is waging war against you.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. praise is the weapon of victory....if you want to be victorious PRAISE HIM
