Monday, February 02, 2015

Welcome to The Pink Journal

Welcome to The Pink Journal! It’s so beautiful here, so much so that I wanna call it mine (all mine!); but it’s your blog, my blog, our blog.
It’s the journal that I will gladly share with ANYONE who
is bold enough to share undiluted and candid opinion, sincere enough to openly accept the truth in issues, generous enough to share thoughts and experiences that can add value to others, and mature enough to respect parallel views and opinion.
Why the “Pink” Journal? Well that’s simple: I’m a lady; I rep Pink *winks* But seriously, does that make our Pink Journal an “All My Ladies” blog? Far from it! Gentlemen, before you get all touchy, be assured that this is your blog too…except you want to deny all the pink that has colored your life all these years: your lovely mom, that hell- or heaven-of-a-sister that stole all mom’s attention or covered all your messes, your “first love” (hmmm), that cute/hot colleague at the office…the list is endless. On this journal, you get the chance to take a peek at life through a lady’s eyes; but quite importantly, you get to share your “jewels” of knowledge, tips, and experiences (we know you guys got loads of them).
Having unburdened my heart on this matter, here are my simple requests:
  • ·        Please be patient enough to read through the blogs (they’ll be worth your while; I promise)
  • ·        Your comments are very important to us here; remember to leave at least one daily
  • ·        Finally, please spread the word. Share our blogs on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp…anywhere on cyberspace that people can be found.
Thanks so much for being here. Love, Onomiroro.


  1. Hmmm...finally we're here. Great one ma

  2. very nice.....
    as an after thought,why the name pink?

  3. This is awesome.. keep up with the good work dear

  4. Nice one and nice being here...congrats dearie, more grace.

  5. Alrait lets sail on
