Friday, September 02, 2016

Ways to Avoid getting Tanned by Satan

What are you being exposed to that have coloured your judgement and has made you lose focus and direction of your ultimate destination in life, heaven? It will be for some time and it will lose that beauty that has blinded you from knowing right from wrong and refusing the leadership of the Lord Jesus. Unfortunately, it just might be too late when that happens. That’s the mission of the devil. But you can escape it if you:

Get it raw: We live in a world today where everyone is getting confused about what and who to believe. This confusion is in every aspect of life. Imagine a scenario where you’re asked to make a choice between a well (brownish) barbecued chicken and a raw one to prepare. Well, more people will go for the prepared one than go through the stress of preparing one for themselves, forgetting the saying “all that glitters is not gold”. There will be lesson (s) to learn in the process of preparing the raw one. Once you miss out on it. Whichever way you’re told it has been prepared, you’ll believe it. Hence, it is possible for a hundred and one preachers to give a hundred and one explanation of a particular portion of the bible. Each one claiming to be led by God. You won’t know if to believe the hundred or the one because you’re aware of how versatile satan is with the scripture. Clear your doubt by getting rid of your laziness, pick up the bible and search for the undiluted and raw scripture for answers. The different versions today have simplified it enough for one’s understanding. Besides if the Holy Spirit could explain to them, he will do same with you Psalm 12:16.
Close up: Don’t let the devil get into your mind. One might think why not the heart? Being it's means of breathing and staying alive. But I will tell you, the heart feels but the mind is what gives interpretation to that feeling. If it says it’s hate, that’s what the heart will manifest. Once satan has access to the mind of a man be sure his reasoning will be satanic. How many times have you been forced to wonder why some people are so inhuman because the mind has killed the heart from having any form of human feelings. Be sure to keep your mind seal off from the devil by constantly keeping watch of the activities you get involve in.
Be knowledgably ignorant: My father of blessed memory is the one that taught me of how to be knowledgeable yet ignorant. Have you ever been asked during evangelical outreach or at any point in time even jokingly ‘if God created the world, then who created God?’ and some more questions in like manners. If you have been then you’ll understand how to be knowledgably ignorant. Take a look at the situation between Jesus and the devil during the temptation. Jesus told the devil 'man cannot live by bread alone'. And put a full stop to it Matthew 4:1-11. He didn’t have to wander if man doesn’t live by bread alone how will he survive? Because he understands his sufficient is in the Lord, 2 Corinthians 9:8. If one learns to spend less time wandering how God will get it done, we will get more answers to the prayers we are yet to pray and solutions to the problems we are yet to encounter.   
Stay ahead: I hope this scripture will help you Stay ahead of the devil. Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Your knowledge of God’s word will help you define His mission for your life and the devil can’t get a hold of you if you never lose your vision.
Happy new month and may the best of the Lord’s blessings rest on you and me and our nation Nigeria. I love you and Cheers!

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