Saturday, July 25, 2015

Today's Gentleman: What Women Expect You to be and What You Should Really Turn Out to be.

Today's gentleman privileged to be civilized but emotionally insensitive. As much as this does not apply to everyone of them, its difficult not to notice how some seems to carry themselves like modern day King of Babylon, that thinks he's bigger than God. Ughrrr! Don't grind your teeth just yet, please read what I have to write about what women expects today's gentleman to be

                                                           A CHEAT
         Yeah! Women have heard and seen it happened so many times that they've come to believe the phenomenal saying 'It's the nature of men to cheat.' Oops! one can't cheat nature became the license for men to disrespect their women. This they try to do in the secret but they say; the world is a small place and there's nothing hidden under the sun, that can't be found.  And there are so many events happening to portray this, sowing the seed of distrust in the modern day lady mind. Of course, no one will openly  admit it to you. But it is an underlying thought that 'he's gonna cheat some day.' I was quite taken by surprise when a friend said to me to expect such from my man, especially if he's got some money to throw around. Women will come flocking around him with all manners of tempting moves like bees drawn to honey.( Emphasis: Women will be the ones to chase after him.) And a day will come, it'll happen. Come on! my mouth popped open. She continued talking about how she doesn't bother with much questioning when the husband acts suspiciously, afterall, its nature at work.
         A fellow gentleman also added salt on injury by saying  "all men cheats. some in their thinking because they're not bold enough to carry out the actual act (Matthew 5:28) Lol!" Most African men have chieftaincy title in this department. Marry the wife, put her in the home, let her have the babies, change shape as the babies come, provide adequately for them and go try some peach perfect young ones outside. Yeah! the men aren't to be blamed totally, I agree. But the women; both the one in your house and outside expects you to act this way. So, you are but dancing to the tune of what society and emotional insensitivity have programmed for you.
       What about the church ? That too is not much of a safety place. A cheating gentleman in the street is still the same gentleman that ends up in the church. The use of the word Brother, Deacon etc has become a common title some people use to deceive others. Sometimes, one is forced to ask if people do listen to the sermons coming from altar during church services? Because it seems to get in through one ear and out through the other. Thank God for His everlasting mercy. So what should the gentleman be, to change this underlying thought at the back of most women?

                                                  A RESPECTFUL GENTLEMAN
Oh yeah! I know, there's no perfect being on earth but you can try respecting your woman. You know 'respect is reciprocal' and whoever you respect, you'll be sensitive to their feelings/emotions. And you do know how hurt she may feel even if she tries to accept it as a norm amongst men. No denying the fact there are so many beauties out there but you can discipline yourself to learn to look away. And let your attention be on that woman; whom you've vowed to protect all your lives. Come to think of it, you did chose her out of the crowd to make your partner. Its not always going to be a sweet taste all the time. But if you can swallow and enjoy the sweet moment, you can also swallow and survive the sour moments. Cheers!


  1. Nice! But how many people will support you ideology?

  2. A lot of "food for thought" here...yes definitely set me thinking about this somewhat sensitive subject.
    Men are (and I suspect always will be) an alien species to me!
    I have been married for 36 years, and I still can't say I understand my husband...but he does come nearest to your description of the "Respectful Gentleman" I consider myself lucky!

    Many thanks for a really interesting post.

    Have a great Sunday!


  3. Oh so glad you found such a man and 36years, wow splendid! And do have a blessed week.
