Saturday, December 31, 2016

Why you Need to Ponder about Yonder Year.

Words of Esiri Kasiena Henry to gear you into rightful thinking as the year ends about our nation and intent.

"Tears, tears and more tears...

These are just my thoughts finding their way to the open space... I don't have strength to fight or argue... At least i have a right to my own thoughts... Lord have mercy!

I had promised myself socialmedia silence till at least the 10th of January 2017 but the pain in my heart won't let me be... As at my last count, I have cried too many tears! Oh Lord my heart is heavy... "Delirious, I chattered like a swallow or a crane, and then I moaned like a mourning dove. My eyes grew tired of looking to heaven for help. I am in trouble, Lord. Help me!" Isaiah 38:14

Who has "bewitched" us? Oh good people, great nation, what has happened to us? So many questions on my mind...

1. A truck drives into a Christmas market in Germany, killing and wounding people. Our President sends condolence messages and comfort to the German people. Southern Kaduna is ravaged by herdsmen and the spokesman for this government says "The presidency cannot speak on this matter since the governor of the state is the number one security officer of state". The Vice President is supposed to be the number one Christian in Nigeria but he too has been silent. Oh God come to the aid of Jacob. Be a hand of comfort to Israel. Our tears overflow the banks of our cheeks... our groanings rise to the high heavens... who will help us? How did we turn ourselves over to wicked men?

2. This government chooses to increase tarriff on luxury goods and includes rice. Such that there is now a 60% increase of tarriff on people who bring rice into the country. Who advices these people? Do they really care about the average Nigerian? Rice that is supposed to be accessible there seems to be a secret gangup and plan to make it impossible to buy. Would one not ensure he has attained self sufficiency before creating all these bottle necks?

3. The silence from our religious leaders is loud. I fear that the cry is bigger tents, larger meetings and record breaking buildings. "Continue to pay your tithes and give your offerings" is the cry... Yet with our numbers and records we have no influence whatsoever on our nation. Oh Lord...

Who will save us? Who will wipe our tears?

Tears, more tears... and yet again... we swim in the pool of tears. Only  you oh God can give us succor and unto You we lift our eyes...

For our brethren in Southern Kaduna, be encouraged the Lord shall undertake for you.

All is well...

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
God bless our President!!
God bless us all!!!"


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