Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday Series: Get Ruin or Grin Over........?

Hello, I've missed you too much not to improvise by blogging with phone while I try to fix my PC or get a new one. I haven't decided on that yet. Especially, with so much cash flow. Uhmm! That's me being positive. Now to Friday Series which is a sequel to my last post...

Let's talk about 'the great break' that occurs during the festive season. Some people believe there's usually massive breakage of relationships during this season. If possible father and children will break up too hehee... Probably as a way of escaping responsibility or means to go spend the time with someone else. Either way, someone's heart will get smashed. Funny, they come back begging when the season is over with.

I've experienced such before. Please don't ask If he came back begging because I haven't got the courage to disclose more. By the way, you too like story... Lol!

On a serious note, there's always one of two choices to make in every situation including break ups! Get ruin by it and mess up the joy which comes with this time of the year or grin over it and positively utilize his/her absence.

Take a cue from Toke Makinwa (photo above) silence over her broken marriage. She kept mute about the whole story when it broke, unknowingly to the public the lady was thinking of how to make money and gain more fame from it. And she did with a sold out book publication "On Becoming", where she aired it all out. So much for not washing dirty linen in public. Trust humans when they make aproko (gossip) their hobby they'd do anything to have something to say. Which Toke capitalise on and she won with a smart grin.... Is she the better for it? No one expect her can tell but from outward appearance my guess is yes. She made up with herself even if she couldn't with her partner.

If you've ever been heartbroken, you'll understand it is not just a metaphoric expression but the pain is physical as much as it is emotional. It is a blow that rips the heart apart leaving a depression/void no one or thing can fill expect love. 

In trying to escape the pain someone could become suicidal. Pushed by desperation to fill up the void with it comes mood swing. One moment of acceptance and a show of bravery and the next of gloom and weakness

If you've ever felt this way then you'll realise how brave it is to make the best out of a bad situation. So if Toke could get it right, you sure can too. You owe it to yourself not to let the pain ruin you but let time help with the process of healing. Live one day at a time and fight hard not to dwell on what'd happen. Kindly click here to pick up and keep your grin wide. Love you so much and all the best. 


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