Sunday, July 31, 2016

Rotation of Church Service Notation.

In many church services, worshippers are always fond of writing down the preacher’s notable points. It is arguable quite a large number of people don’t go back to study the notes because too many of them are writing to fulfil all righteousness or they don’t bother because they believe it is same thing they’ve heard and written time after time.

The question of why do one take note during preaching hour got an answer from the sister sitting close to me today that should make those that have stopped the habit or haven’t even bothered cultivating it to have a rethink.
She said “I like writing during the church service message because every time I hear God’s word its always new to me. It doesn’t matter the number of times I have to write a particular point, it always stays fresh”.
The understanding of the newness of God’s word is what renews the mind on daily basis. The moment God’s word becomes too old for you is the day you begin to die as a Christian ‘And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God, Romans 12:2’. No matter, how knowledgeable you think you are, you can’t know more than the Lord. Prayer won’t keep you strong as a Christian because God’s word which reveals the mind of God is design to do that.
Different food items contain different minerals. Beans are to give you protein, so, you’ll eat beans when you need protein not when you need carbohydrates. If you lack a particular mineral it will reflect in your health. The 'word of God' makes you to have a clear picture of what and how you’re to look in life.
Each day brings improvement which will be made possible when you make out time to study starting with those notable points taken during church service message. It is possible for one to have different understanding everytime he gets to read a particular portion of the bible. This is what revelation is all about. And such revelation does not leave one the same way it met the person. Let that person be you! Let your life rotate around those notable words of the Lord and the world will take note of His greatness upon you. You can be sure of that, Jeremiah 29:11. Cheers!

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