Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Dilemma of Being Single at 30years and Above - The Gentleman and His Strings of Ladies.

Tuesday it is, so, lets roll with the dilemma of being single at 30 years and above. The view is from the gentleman side. When above 30 and no wedding invitation is forth coming, different people tends to decide for you.
Whenever a lady is seen with you, the question "who's is she?" arises. Suggestions comes from family, friends, colleagues and well wishers and before you know it; you have a long queue of women to choose from. Not to mention the ones you're tangling along Lol. Its also funny, that at this age, whoever you date tends to hope she'd be the one to walk down the aisle with you. And there's more likely hood of leaving a strings of heart breaks behind you.

You and everyone concern keep wondering why you just can't pick from the series of ladies you've dated or are dating. Oh! You're not into such. Then how hard can it be to start and say "I do" with one? This is the difficult question you're being asked to answer. The longer you linger, the higher the probability of making the wrong choice, they say and that scares even more than the scary movie or even your single hood state. And you know until you finally make a pick, they'll keep at it. Even citing examples of younger men that are married with children and the question "What are you waiting for ehen?" Likely may come form mum or dad or both lol! In all of this; you know within you, until you're ready to be a husband, you're not ready. And gentleman its your choice to make. Cheers!

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