Friday, March 27, 2015

Am I Wrong to let Him Know the Depth of my Love for Him?

Choi! Some people are ready to add another ministerial engagement to this blog. A darling friend has got this question for you. Just woke up to it. hehehe!

I love my man, so very much. And I'm fond of telling him even in the presence of his or my friends. Now my friends are saying it isn't right to let a man know the depth of your love for him. Because he'll only use it to his advantage and not that of the relationship. I'm confused. Am I wrong in letting him know how much I do love him?

Oya! Please come to the rescue.
And post will be up soon, cheers!


  1. its ok if a guy knows how much his lady loves him esecially if he feels same too and makes it obvious, ladies dont like to xpress it bcos of doubt especially if d guy isnt faithful.

  2. its ok if a guy knows how much his lady loves if he feels same too and makes it obvious ladies dont like to xpress it bcos of doubt especially if d guy isnt faithful.
