Sunday, March 08, 2015

Sunday Sound Words.

- Today's work will define your tomorrow's worth.

- Assumption breeds misunderstanding. Ask questions! Do not assume to know the answers to questions you haven't asked.

- Sometimes we wish for stars, unaware we are stars and there are people wishing for us. Discover the you in you and celebrate

- Your life won't/can't please everyone, neither will your death displease everyone. Live and be happy for you!

- A little bit of me and a little bit of you is what makes a WHOLE lot of us. Who you are and what defines you is not who I am and definitely may not be what defines me. Our uniqueness is what add colours to life.

- Let your past be your teacher and don't forget, your past is history; your present a gift and your tomorrow a mystery

- Sometimes right; sometimes wrong are the lessons of life being taught. Don't despise you, just keep learning and living. You will/can be better.

- Don't love anyone to the point of choking them. Give them space to breath and live. They know you care without being possessive and selfish

- You mean the world to me, he/she says to you. Do remember that includes the wild forest zone. So, ask which part? The deep blue sea or the mangrove swamp forest?

- I can show you the world, doesn't mean he/she loves you. Wait until you become his/her world. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. "let your past be your teacher"...gr8 words ma,God bless your heart
