Sunday, September 09, 2018

We should all be Feminist - A Lady Decides for every Woman after she was Maliciously Treated because she is Single.

Shortly after sharing a post on the struggle women should focus on, because not all fight are worth being part of. I found this post written by a dear friend, Omoyibo Elohor,  which got me thinking and thinking… Kindly read post while I continue with my thoughts.

"On my way back from Church one Wednesday night, I was startled by a guy standing by the Church exit "Excuse me" He said with a hint of arrogance in his voice. I was not in the mood to engage in any mindless discussion so I continued walking. He being slighted by what he perceived to be a snobbish attitude said "I am talking to you now and you are walking away. Later you would be praying for a husband".

In a flash second all the training Mrs Omoyibo gave me flew out the window and I knew that this act of stupidity couldn't go without a response ". If only your ego was one tenth the size of your brain, you would probably have good pick up line. Besides praying about you is just a waste of prayer points" I walked away amazed at his audacity. But honestly, can you blame him? Society has taught men to see themselves as 'Messiahs' who would rescue women from the shackles of 'Singleness'. So women wait for marriage like they are waiting for the second coming of Christ.

All our lives we are prepared for men. "Eat o men like women with flesh!! Dress well, men like their women to look good!! Don't aim too high, it would scare men away!!Don't have an opinion, your man would think for two!!". Heaven help you if you are an unmarried 30year old woman but an unmarried 30year old man "is just starting life." It's funny how women believe that having a man validate their existence so we compete for men.
I pray for a world where our daughters are taught the importance of personal development, not to dim dim their light simply because they want to massage the ego of men. If you want to go on a diet, do it because it is healthy. Dress well so you can feel good about yourself and if you want to be President, why not? There is nothing wrong with your husband being "the First man". Ambition isn't a dirty word, let's teach them that being a woman isn't synonymous with being weak. You can be a woman and still be successful. As a Christian I believe in marriage but I am strongly against living your life to get married. Marriage isn't the reason you were created".

Hope your Sunday was great? And yes, I am still thinking.  Cheers!

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