Thursday, April 12, 2018

Snap out of it and Take a Ride!

The rain washes the stain away, therefore, don't be too scared to ride through the storm. In this country of ours, I've seen mudded tyres stains on the road but when it rains, the roads become clean because the water washes the stains away.

We do know by now, one will always encounter storms in life, how one handles it, determines how it'll leave the person. Who you are is a determinant of what you've been able to overcome. Never let life storms (difficulties & challenges) ride through you, it'll definitely leave you beaten. Therefore when faced with storms ensure to:

1) Take pride. Being on the ground doesn't mean you are grounded, it only indicates the point you're to start from. Refuse to be pitied, to be weaken by mockery and to be a burden. The 'up' is only a 'stand' away.

2) Ride: How forceful a thing is will determine how great the impact when it comes in contact with anyone or thing. Be swift, be forceful to push through, for a walk lacks the force to push you through.

3) Be grateful: Be grateful for the storm, without it you would have been stunted in growth, those dreams wouldn't have come true and those goals would not have been achieved. Ultimately, be grateful to the maker and moulder of your life, the Lord, God for seeing you through it all.


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