Thursday, September 28, 2017

Snap out of it! Don't Test with Sex.

Love is never wrong we only love the wrong person. Sex incapacitate one from accepting the truth. Rather, excuses are made to cover up the excesses. And love is often confused with sexual desires 2 Samuel 33

Love proves all things. Sex disproves all things because of the clouded emotions which set in confusion. You do agree with me a clouded sky make even the day gloomy. If he/she loves you, the wait won't be an issue.

Promises made in love give pleasure. Promises made during sex give pressure, because a man that’s on the edge of dropping to an unknown depth will agree to anything just for someone to pull him/her out/up.

The depth of love is determined with time. Sex makes that conclusion a hasty one. Again it all bores down to what the individual judgment is, based on emotions.

Sex is cheap. It can be gotten and given to anyone and from anywhere at anytime, if you doubt, ask the brothels managers. But love is of value; it can only be given to or gotten from someone special with no conditional attachment. Because, a person cannot love everyone he/she sleeps with.

Love is whole, true and brings eternal satisfaction. Sex gives moment satisfaction/gratification.

Therefore dearly beloved, do not test with sex. It won’t make the depth of his/her love deeper or shallower. Love is always enough until the forever vows.

Genesis 29, 1 Corinthians 13


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