Thursday, September 13, 2018

Overcoming Addiction - The way out.

Overcoming addiction is as difficult as you make it. No matter what you are told to do or how to do it, it still comes to you realising the need to give in or pull out. Do not tell me I have no idea of what I am talking about  as an excuse to ignore this post because that is the easiest thing to do “give excuse” why you cannot  get over it even though it is pulling you down.  So, let me put you at ease.

I have been there, addicted to something, in and out until I came to know better. In essence, I understand the blood rush that feels your life depends on satisfying that craving. Not doing it will kill you. Well, doing it will still eventually kill. Either way, there seems to be a death warrant. However, the former is a feeling that can eventually go away if one will be able to hold out on it but the latter is the reality of the outcome of addiction. We know this, so why can’t an addict just walk away? There lies the trick.
Being addicted to anything is a sign of weakness. That weakness is what gives addiction a strong hold on such individual. Hence, such a person will need others to encourage and help them to be strong. In essence, the trick to overcoming addiction is the willingness to admit one is weak and needs help.
You have to stop surrounding yourself with things that easily trigger your craving physically and emotionally. Some addiction could have been an outlet to some emotional issues such as anger, abuse, discomfort, frustration among others. Hence, whenever, they feel threatened by any of such feelings they fall back on what they believe could help them curtail it.  
You are addicted to substances, start by staying away from drugs that is one of the reasons you have to check into rehabilitation for detoxification. It is the only place you truly can get all the help you need.  Of course, you need to be strong enough to do that. But you should understand, that feeling of death will only become a reality if you do not seek for help.
If sex is what you are addicted to, yes, there are lots of such individual or why do you think a lady cannot not say ‘no’ to every man that comes her way or a man is arouse by everyone  who has a skirt or gown on? So:
Avoid being alone, especially in lonely or enclosed places with the opposite sex.

Avoid intimate discussions. The mind is a powerful tool; it creates an image of every sentence out of your mouth. Such picture can easily be stuck in your head/brain which only outlet is engaging in the act. Need I mention your avoidance of extremely romantic movies, books (you can very well define what extreme is to you) and what have you that can trigger your craving? I just did.
In it all, you need to seek for help. Again, I got to thank God for knowledge and a job. All the best!


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