Friday, September 14, 2018

Ladies: You know he is not a 'keeper' when.....

I think ladies basically can tell when a man just wants to get in between their legs, instinct, body language and attitude gives the signal but they hope he can be trapped in the process. More often than not, it is a hopeless course. Therefore, let me remind you of some of the signals,  he is not a keeper when:

He finds it difficult to give straightforward answer to personal questions or licks his lip before answering. The lip licking gives him time to think up the lie(s) he just told you.
He is quick to apologise for any and everything. You sneezed, ‘baby I am sorry’ hey! There is a difference between feeling sorry and being sorry. Feel sorry for your discomfort, is allowed but acting like he is responsible for a natural occurrence, is suspicious.
Gives you that deep eye ball to eye ball looks or let his hands stray to places that will likely make you feel shy, girly and dreamy. Do not forget to dream about how you will taste, like a roasted chicken or lamb.
He sweet talks on how he cannot wait to tell his mama about you or for you to meet her or his folks, it is an ice breaker.

Agrees to all your suggestive words on forever, gives in to all of your demands including the financial ones, especially if he can afford to.

His friends automatically refer to you as “iyawo, our wife’ when he has not even given a hint or proposed and you probably just met, honestly that’s the height of mockery and the court needs to start giving those set of humans jail time. 
He just keeps insinuating there is a future by using we, us and our at every given opportunity and you know no jack about each other yet. Okay, it could be real you say.  Words cannot be enough to give you that assurance. Hence, it will be real to swim through the mud when you are wrong.

I almost forgot the diary men. They are the ones that sweet talk you into paying the bills, there is always an excuse for not been able to handle the bills until they milk you dry and move unto the next. Help your man out but not one you just met and barely know.
Basically, all I am saying, ladies just take a little extra care, give a little extra thought and pray a little more before getting on with that relationship and preferable keep the legs closed before the ring on the fourth left hand finger.

Remember, a woman will always be a woman, the dreamer and the man a man, the engineer. Enjoy your weekend.

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