Sunday, April 12, 2015

When God Makes Up His Mind

We live in a world where it is very easy for man to write another man off without a backward glance. But no matter the situation or circumstances God is still watching over us. Even when we feel too deep in sin and unworthy of His love. He's still our God and Father. As a people of a nation going through changes which sometimes may be very difficult but can be comforting, there's need to hold unto God.
This is an outline of His possibilities in our lives when He makes up His mind. Oh! He has actually done that. You just need to realise it.

When God Makes up His Mind
- Your night weeping will become joy in the Morning (Psalm 30:5)
-The gate of hell can't prevail against your blessings neither can the prince of Persian block it (Matthew 16:18, Daniel 10:13)
- Your enemies will be at peace with you (Proverb 16:17)
- The impossibility becomes possible (Luke 18:27)
- Your health is perfected (3 John 1-3)
- Your portion will become exceedingly great (Ephesians 3:20-21)
- You prosper in all that you do (Psalm 1:1-3)
- Men will marvel at you (Psalm 118:23 & 126:1)
- Your affliction will come to an end(Psalm 126:1)
- Your lost glory will be restored (Joel 2:25)
- Your years of sowing in tears will bring forth a bountiful harvest (Psalm 126:5)
- Our minds get renewed (Romans 12:2)
And an ................ Endless list of His wondrous work.
Rejoice with those that are rejoicing and comfort those that loss. For out of every loss there's a win.

In case you doubt; enjoy reading this short story:
In Swan Quarter, North Carolina, in 1876, the Methodist Episcopal church South needed a new building, so when somebody donated a lot on Oyster Creek Road they accepted. It was low-lying land so they constructed a sturdy little white-frame church and put it up on brick pilings. Days later a storm lashed the town and those within sight of Oyster Creek Road witnessed something amazing. The church building, still intact, was afloat! The flood had lifted it off its pilings and sent it down the road. They tried to moor it with ropes but the church moved on. At the town centre, as dozens of people watched helplessly, it made a sharp, inexplicable right turn and continued on. Finally, in the same decisive manner it veered off the road, it headed straight for a vacant lot and stopped dead in the centre! The flood waters eventually receded but the building is still there. In fact, 136years have passed since the church, now called Providence Methodist Church, floated itself to the most desirable property in town. What's amazing is this: The lot where it settled had originally been the congregation's first choice for their building, but landowner Sam Sadler turned them down. The morning after the flood, he presented the pastor with the deed. Yes! I believe you're think my thoughts. What happened could either be the most astounding coincidence or an act of God literally. Life existence is an act of God already. So, when God makes up His Mind even the most astounding coincidence occurs base on His order!
(Story Culled From The Word For Today Devotional).

Photo source: google


  1. That is what makes me so's tendency to write off his fellow man without a second thought.
    This isn't how we were meant to be. I truly believe we are all here to love and help each other, not to engage in "one-upmanship" and wars.

    Bravo! Your words are truly inspiring...and I so love that beautiful picture! :)

    Have a great day.:))

    1. Thank you for spending these moments here and for your wonderful comment. You too have a great day :).

  2. Awwww, thank you for this.

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    1. You're welcome dear. And thanks for dropping by.

  3. God sure has a #serious sense of humour. Nice!
