Saturday, December 12, 2015

Shiloh 2015: A Place of Divine Encounter.

Faith Theatre 

The congregation gathered again at Shiloh 2015 (From glory to glory) 1 Samuel 3:21 and to the people; the Lord appeared at Shiloh and to the individuals; He revealed Himself through His word. It was the best Shiloh ever till date. Every moment was outstanding as the Lord made His presence to gloriously envelope all participates. The tearful, breath taking and tongue speaking testimonies all proved that the Lord validates the reliability of His word through His servant: Bishop David O. Oyedepo.

Souls got saved in large numbers
The barren became fruitful over 35, 25, 17, 15....... years of barrenness
The singles came in their multiplied state
Broken bones were mended with no opening.
Crotches were thrown down
All forms of impairment, sicknesses, diseases and affliction were destroyed by the power of the Holy ghost.

And there was the unveiling of the Faith Theatre: A Place of Surgical Operations Towards Providing Solutions to all Human Needs.

It sits on 1000 acre land at the new Canaan City on Canaanland. 500 acres of this land is reserved to serve as Shiloh camp to host the various visiting nations.

This edifice will have the following

*Worship Bowl ( Total Capacity 100,000)
*Prayer booth
*Mission Tower (12 Storey) to serve as international offices
*Dominion Bookstore
*An Audio/Visual Theatre
*Shopping Mall
*Food court
*Rotating Altar
*Children’s Church (Total capacity 10, 000)
*Concourse (circulation lobby)
*WOFBI (Total capacity 3000)

The entire building is 100%  air-conditioned, including the toilet. The design came out from Convenant University.

In less than 12 minutes, the occupants of this mega auditorium can be evacuated during emergencies.

Bishop David Oyedepo Closing message today was based on ' The Stirring Forces of the Spirit.' Which are the forces to actualize awesome potentials James 2:26. There are three spirits: The spirit of servant-hood, Faith and Love are the catalyst for speedy actualization of destiny.

Finally, God servant unveiled God's agenda for the Winners Family for 2016:
To put everyone on top of the world 1 Samuel 2:8
To roll from glory to glory
To leap into your next levels every three months of the year 
Spiritual, social, business and career advancement.

And the prophetic agenda for the year 2016 is therefore: From Glory to Glory.

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