Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tyler Perry Mixed Feelings Mother's Day Message.

Happy Mother’s Day! I can honestly say that and mean it this year. The reason why it’s been hard to appreciate it for the last few years, as many of you know, is because my mother died in 2009. This is the first Mother's Day in 6 years that I didn't wake up in tears, that I didn't wake up heavy, that I didn't wake up in sadness. This morning I woke up in joy and full of gratitude. I’m so thankful for the 40 years that I had with her. I know that a lot of people didn't get that much time with their mothers. So, God thank you for Maxine and for the 40 years of memories that are in my heart forever. Thank you for the love I still feel all around me from her. I hope you know how proud I was, and still am, that you were my mamma. I love and miss you Maxine.

Again I say, to all of you with mothers who are alive, and you find yourself fighting or bickering over nonsense or something major, find a way to fix it. Don't let someone you love slip away from this earth, and you have had a chance to say all you needed to say to them and you didn't. It's just not worth it. Swallow your pride, even if you know you are in the right. Say you're sorry and fix it. And if you're in the wrong, all the more reason to say you're sorry and mean it. Say you were wrong. Why is it so hard for people to say they were wrong? I promise you, you won't die if you say, "I was wrong.” Fix it please. Life is but a moment, and we all only get one mother. I assure you, if you take this advice it will go a long way in you having peace in your future.
You know I love you.

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